Sifu Luke McManus

Sifu Luke McManus is a Springkicks® Affiliate Instructor, having completed the Joy&Freedom-Springkicks Level 1 - Masters Training exam in 2019. He is a dedicated student of Sifu Emiko Hsuen, studying Shaolin kungfu, meditation, taijiquan and body-mind flow since 2011.

Sifu Luke was born in Perth, Western Australia and grew up playing sports such as basketball, track and field and Australian Rules Football. He is now living in Toronto, Canada.

He is a registered physiotherapist in Ontario, Canada and Australia, having achieved one of the highest formal qualifications in both countries.

Sifu Luke grew up in a family of talented musicians, which inspired him to learn to play the guitar from a young age.

He is also passionate in his personal and professional life about encouraging people to enjoy vibrant health of the body, mind and spirit.